Sunday, May 31, 2009

Beautiful Cape Town

We spent last Saturday the 23rd on a Peninsula Tour of Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope. Here I am at Cape Point, where the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean currents meet. Reppin' New York from 12,541 KM away! It was a gorgeous day, but started to rain and get quite dreary as the day went on. We saw some baboons, ostrich, and a bunch of birds attacking people's food as they dared to sit outside at the restaurant.

I was at the South-Western most point of the African continent this day!

On Sunday, a bunch of us hiked up Lion's Head, one of the prominent mountains in the Cape Town landscape. It was a super intense hike. Here is Jackie and I about halfway up the mountain! In the back are the mountains known as the "12 Apostles." In order to get up the mountain, we had to scale the rocks by using chains and ladders! It was intense but so worth it once we got to the top and had a 360 degree view of the city. We made it just in time to see the beginning of the sunset---but the sun goes down fast and we were slightly afraid that we wouldn't be able to get back down by the chains & ladders. As we got a little lost going down, we were lucky enough to meet up with a great group of locals & their friends from around S. Africa who gave us a lift home, instead of making us hike home in the dark for another hour.

1 comment:

cmac322 said...

you have a blog! I will now follow. Keep updating!